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What if you could release those obstacles holding you back from everything you desire in life?

With the Radiance ebook, there’s no need to stay stuck or feel like it’s Groundhog Day again and again.

You’ll learn how to begin releasing energetic blocks which will allow you to manifest more of what you truly desire in life.

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Tell me if this sounds like you:
⟁ You feel like you’re meant for so much more in life yet no matter how hard you try you still feel stuck in the same place?

⟁ You feel disconnected from yourself and no idea of what your true purpose is in life?

⟁ You frequently have huge emotions coming up and no idea where they’re rising from, why, or what to do with them?

What if there was a way to implement some simple daily practices to release blockages and obstacles, tap into your full potential and manifest the beautiful opportunities your soul desires?

That’s exactly why I created Radiance because I wanted to help you understand your energy, reconnect to your soul’s desires, create more ease and flow in both your energy and your life, and begin to understand your purpose and unleash your highest potential.

So if you want to begin changing your energy and your life right now, here’s how to do it ...

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Purchase today to save -- plus receive more than $76 in free bonuses!


This ebook will explain the chakra system and how to work on your chakras as well as how to use essential oils to support them. It includes:

what are chakras?

how to work on your chakras and identify energy blockages

essential oil safety

how to use essential oils with the chakras

information on each chakra and best ways to support each one

essential oil suggestions for each chakra

essential oil blend ideas for each chakra/area of your life

suggested resources for further study: meditations, books, the best essential oils to get etc.


feeling scattered, stressed, anxious, and always in your head. You perhaps feel ungrounded, unstable and unsupported

often feeling like you don’t belong

lack of abundance and you’re living paycheck to paycheck

not feeling creative

lack of self-worth and poor boundaries

feeling closed-off to love and feeling disconnected from others

doing so much for everyone else but you have difficulties receiving

difficulty speaking your truth or speaking up for yourself

making decisions and you don’t know how to listen to your intuition

having no idea what your soul calling is in life

feeling like you’re meant for so much more in this life yet no matter how hard you try you still feel stuck in the same place

huge emotions frequently coming up for you and you have no idea where they’re rising from, why, or what to do with them

feeling disconnected from yourself

Imagine if you could feel grounded, secure and stable, fully supported, and allow creativity and abundance to flow through you.

Imagine if you could love yourself and others unconditionally and in turn receive and be surrounded by love.

Imagine if you could clearly express your true self and always know the right path for you.

Imagine if you could remember who you are at your core and what you came here for.

Imagine if you could clear heavy energetic blockages and feel empowered to follow your soul’s journey.

Imagine if you could simply allow more ease and flow into your daily life.

Let’s make these possibilities become realities.

This can become your new higher voltage way of living sooner than you think with Radiance!!

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While I might have a soulful, heart-centred business today, it all started with me becoming a mother.

That transition from maiden to mother was huge for me and I found myself unable to identify with any of the things I previously had prior to the birth of my son.

I felt like I was in limbo. Neither here nor there. A mum, yes, but I realised I had a deep yearning to discover who I was at the very core of my soul.

I came across Belinda Davidson and began a deep-dive into the chakras, and began uncovering… me.

Radiance is a guide to how I began to change my energy and discover my true essence. It is still the practice I continue to do til this very day.

After countless people asking me questions about my daily practices and for more information on chakras I decided to create this ebook and share my road to radiance with you. I want you to create this radiant, high voltage way of living too.

My goal with this ebook is to help people rise up out of the heavy, low-vibrational day to day living that is so rife these days, clear the stuck energy, create flow and create space for the magic to enter their lives.

After countless people asking me questions about my daily practices and for more information on chakras I decided to create this ebook and share my road to radiance with you. I want you to create this radiant, high voltage way of living too.

My goal with this ebook is to help people rise up out of the heavy, low-vibrational day to day living, clear the stuck energy, create flow and create space for the magic to enter their lives.

Here’s what you’ll learn inside “Radiance”:

Here’s what you’ll learn inside “Radiance”:

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What are chakras

A very easy to understand explanation of chakras.

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Each Chakra in detail

Learn about each chakra in deeper detail, what area of the body each chakra governs, what area of your life each chakra governs, how to decipher if you have blockages within this chakra or not, and ways in which you can support each chakra.

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Essential Oil Safety

Basics of using essential oils safely, a dilution guide, and the importance of purity.

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Essential Oil Safety

Basics of using essential oils safely, a dilution guide, and the importance of purity.

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What are chakras

A very easy to understand explanation of chakras.

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How to use the essential oils and blends

Here you will find all the different ways to use the oils and suggested blends to support your chakras and your chakra cleansing practice.

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How to use the essential oils and blends

Here you will find all the different ways to use the oils and suggested blends to support your chakras and your chakra cleansing practice.

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Each Chakra in detail

Learn about each chakra in deeper detail, what area of the body each chakra governs, what area of your life each chakra governs, how to decipher if you have blockages within this chakra or not, and ways in which you can support each chakra.

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Essential oils and blends for each chakra

Discover the best essential oils and essential oil blends to support each chakra.

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Essential oils and blends for each chakra

Discover the best essential oils and essential oil blends to support each chakra.

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Essential Oil Blend Suggestions

Here you will find some beautiful blend creations with easy to identify names for areas you may really desire support with. This way you don’t have to deliberate over which oils to choose for which chakra, you have some no-brainer recipes ready to create and get to work shifting some energy!

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Essential Oil Blend Suggestions

Here you will find some beautiful blend creations with easy to identify names for areas you may really desire support with. This way you don’t have to deliberate over which oils to choose for which chakra, you have some no-brainer recipes ready to create and get to work shifting some energy!

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How to work on your chakras

I walk you through exactly how I began working on my chakras and how it has developed along the way to how I work on them today. I have included references to guided meditations if you need further support in the beginning.

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How to work on your chakras

I walk you through exactly how I began working on my chakras and how it has developed along the way to how I work on them today. I have included references to guided meditations if you need further support in the beginning.

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A list of clickable links to helpful resources such as meditations and books on chakras, mindfulness, the human biofield, and energy healing.

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A list of clickable links to helpful resources such as meditations and books on chakras, mindfulness, the human biofield, and energy healing.

Purchase today & receive these 4 bonuses valued at $76 free:

Yes, on top of the Radiance ebook, you will also receive the following bonuses: Road to Radiance workbook, Yoga Asanas for the Chakras, Journal Prompts, and Affirmations. A total value of over $103!!

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Road to Radiance Workbook
Want to get to work on your chakras and your energy? With this bonus workbook you can track your chakra cleansing meditations and the additional support you’re giving each chakra.

Value: $19

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Yoga Asanas for the Chakras
If you love yoga you’ll love this guide to the best asanas for each chakra. These poses are powerful ways of activating each chakra and will complement your chakra cleansing practices beautifully.

Value: $19

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Printable mantras for each chakra to say to yourself as you apply your essential oils and breathe deeply into each chakra. Mantras are not simply words that you say, Mantras are what you strive to become. They are also a powerful way to bring stillness to the mind if you repeat them over and over for some minutes combined with deep, even breathing. These affirmations can be said aloud, repeated silently within, or even chanted. You can print these and place them in a room or on a mirror, wherever you feel you’ll look at them and be reminded to repeat them. Or you can save them as your phone or desktop wallpaper.

Value: $19

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Journal Prompts
Journaling is a powerful tool. It’s an ancient tradition. There are many health benefits to journaling. It removes mental blocks, allowing you to utilise your brain for deepening your self-awareness.

This bonus is a list of journal prompts to help you deepen your awareness of the state of each of your chakras as you work on them.

Trust me, you’ll be blown away by what comes up for you!!

Value: $19

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Purchase today to save -- plus receive more than $76 in free bonuses!


“I’ve never meditated before and the idea of chakras is so new to me. Will this ebook help me?”

Absolutely! I take you through exactly how to begin slowly adding a chakra cleansing practice to your life. Then how to use the oils to complement your practice. We are all brand new to something at some stage. I didn’t know anything about chakras at all when I found my teacher, Belinda Davidson. I personally felt so immediately liberated by this work and dove into it wholeheartedly and have never looked back.

“I have trouble sitting still and quieting my mind. Will I be able to do this?”

Yes! Can I let you in on a secret? Everyone has mind chatter, or as I like to call it, a monkey mind. Some days it’s harder to still than others. It doesn’t matter. The goal is not to have zero thoughts. The goal is to become the observer of your thoughts and allow them to come and go without judgement or attachment. This takes time and really, the main thing is that you bring more calm to your day. It’s never about perfection and getting frustrated only undoes the work you’ve done. Trust me, a little goes a long way, even if you feel you haven’t “done enough.” The busier you are and the more “up in your mind” you are, the more you need a practice like this to bring you back into your body and back into your own energy. Otherwise you're in reaction mode all day long and may not realise it but you're being affected by everyone else's energy.

“What if my chakras are all in a perfect free-flowing state?”

I highly doubt you would have found me and be looking at this ebook if they were. In fact, you would likely be one amazingly enlightened being :-) Go you!! Even if we have had wonderful childhoods, we are all holding trauma and energetic blockages in our chakras from experiences we’ve had that we may not even remember. I remember feeling a certain way as a child when I missed out on things because I wasn’t as assertive as other kids, or feeling ashamed when a teacher spoke a certain way to me. Imagine all the other things we don’t even remember but we’re holding onto that energy?! Consciously we may think one thing but energetically we are telling a different story. We’ve also had many lifetimes with many experiences that shape our energy today. We also carry traumas from our ancestors and also from our births, and also collective energy. We have layers upon layers of conditioning that doesn’t serve us and as you begin this energy clearing work you will be amazed at where you feel lighter and how certain situations where you may have reacted one way simply don’t bother you anymore and you can see things from a higher perspective.

“Can I print this ebook out?”

You most certainly can. The ebook is high resolution and would be absolutely beautiful printed and bound for you to frequently refer to as you embark on this beautiful soul journey. However, it's a good idea to consider the environment before printing. I have made the workbook digitally editable for this reason.

“What if I don’t have any time?”

Then, my love, you need this most. You don't need to be a zen master, go to a cave and be the perfect meditator to bring this simple practice into your life. Start as slowly as you like. The benefits are unreal. Meditation and mindfulness retrains the brain to not only calm, but to be more efficient, to focus, and to not continuously worry about things that don't deserve your attention. Once you're clear you'll be surprised how much more space you have in your life for the things that matter.

“Holy smokes, that's a lot of stuff for just $27? For real?!”

Yup. For real. The Radiance ebook plus all the bonuses are worth at least $103 which is almost 5 times what I'm charging. After all, this book will help you change your energy and therefore your life as soon as you start to put it into practice!

BUT my goal here was to make this a no-brainer price for you because I believe everyone can benefit from this practice and that benefits the collective consciousness.

I don't want you to maybe one day in the future, put a bit of time aside to create a more abundant, beautiful life for yourself... I want you to get started TODAY!

So I've priced it so you don't have to procrastinate... you can just grab it and go, go go!


Busy People! Feeling stressed, anxious, and forever too busy for anyone or anything? You need this more than anyone! Get out of your head and into your body.

Those looking to up-level their well-being in all aspects! A high vibrational lifestyle is possible for everyone!

Those wishing to empower themselves and be their own healer.

Anyone feeling disconnected from their physical body and energy.

Anyone feeling frustrated and stuck in a rut.

Those searching for a more soulful and radiant existence.

Those wishing for more groundedness, more sensuality, more creativity, more abundance, better self-esteem, more love, to be able to speak up for themselves, more clarity and divine connection.

Those who know there is more in life for them than the way they are living right now. You are meant for greatness, my love!

Those wanting more freedom, money, and better relationships!

Anyone wondering what the heck their soul purpose is!

Those searching for their people, their community, their true home.



Grab your digital copy of Radiance


Check your inbox for an email from me with your copy of Radiance as well as your 4 gifted bonuses: Road to Radiance Workbook, Journal Prompts, Affirmations, Yoga Asanas for the Chakras.


Dive in! Read Radiance and then do your first chakra cleanse! Download the workbook to begin checking off all our chakra-loving activities!


Start incorporating oils into your day as you begin to figure out where you most need support.


Start journaling! Utilise the affirmations as well. If you practice yoga then explore the asanas for each chakra if you feel called to.


Keep it up!


Due to the digital nature of this product there will be no refunds after purchase.


Imagine where you could be 6 months to a year from now by simply implementing the steps in Radiance to your life, even just a few days a week?

⟁ You could be living a much more aligned life where you feel empowered, positive, and your days are filled with more flow and spaciousness. When obstacles pop up, you can navigate them with so much more ease.

⟁ You could be spending your days feeling more grounded, stable and clear. Decisions could be easier as you align with your true self and learn to really listen to and trust your intuition instead of feeling scattered, stressed and anxious, chasing your tail all day long.

⟁ Toxic people and situations could be a thing of the past for you!

⟁ Your confidence, self worth and self love could be through the roof!

⟁ Your life could feel just delicious as you become surrounded by and supported by YOUR community, YOUR people and fill your days with intention, ritual and purpose.

⟁ You could have more abundance in every area of your life! Money, love, creativity, health, energy.....

⟁ You could be well on your way to achieving a life you've only ever dreamed of!


NOW is the time to shift your energy and make space for that elevated, radiant life you’ve craved for so long!!

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Ready to release those obstacles holding you back from everything you desire in life?

With the Radiance ebook, there’s no need to stay stuck or feel like it’s Groundhog Day again and again. You’ll learn how to begin releasing energetic blocks which will allow you to manifest more of what you truly desire in life.


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